Monday, May 26, 2014


Starting a blog in the memory of our daughter is something I (Jillyn) have wanted to do for a while now.  But I never really knew what i wanted to do.  But then as i mention on the random acts of kindness page, i found that great idea and knew that having a blog would go perfect with that.

So in honor of Grace's 5th birthday we are launching this blog to track the acts of service done in her memory.  It will also be a place to talk about how to help others through loss, resources families may find helpful and healing, and also talking about service and projects we are doing in honor of our daughter.  And of course just general talk about Grace <3

We hope that this blog will be a place of peace and healing to all involved.  Please be patient while we get everything designed and up and running like we want.  We do have a crazy toddler and then another blessing on the way this summer :)